Sunday, January 24, 2010


Last Thursday evening, I was rolling down the streets of Waltham, MA with my mom and Dan, heading from a lovely Mexican dinner to the movie theater  to see "Young Victoria".  It was a cold night, but we were ready to cross the street and walk two blocks.  After rolling down the sidewalk a long ways, I was ready to go across the cross walk and into the theater, but I could not!  The ramp and sidewalk were filled with ten inches of frozen snow, hard pack.  Dan kicked at it, but it would not budge!  My mom, almost 82 years old, climbed over it, hanging on to both of  Dan's arms.  I had to return to from where I started and go three extra blocks to get into the theater.
What are people thinking - wheelchairs are tractors?  Just  another ALS frustration!!!  The movie was great!

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