Thursday, July 16, 2009

New wheelchair coming in four days! Yikes!

Very emotional day to pick up the phone and someone tell me "the wheelchair is ready for delivery"! There is no way now to pretend not to be disabled, no way to pretend I still can walk, no way to say "I just use a scooter around the house!"

Today feels like a big punch in the stomach! Today I realize I really do have ALS, I really am disabled, and I really need the wheelchair! The emotions are overwhelming.

Putting a positive spin on all this means it will be easier to go over rough terrain, easier to drive once the lock in system is in place with the van and hand controls, and I will be able to travel longer distances. So I guess it will really help, but it is still so tough to know this is my new life, my future life!

1 comment:

  1. Mom

    Great post, you've gone from not being able to figure out an ipod to posting on the internet. I'm very proud of you! Keep it up.

