Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Secret of Skirts!!!!

"What's up with the skirts?"

"Why are you always wearing skirts?"

Some of my friends have asked me this question and some of you who see me frequently are probably wondering also.  Today the secret is revealed!

Three months ago, my wonderful British physical therapist, Sue, started advocating I wear skirts.  I thought it was a crazy idea from England, I love wearing pants!!!  But ALS changes many things, and she persuaded me that it was easier to use the Hoyer lift and toilet when I could just lift up or remove the skirt.  Then she taught me to use a female urinal, which has added new independence to my life!!  I do not have enough leg strength and arm strength to wiggle out of pants to use the portable urinal.  But I can lift  up my skirt!!!!!
                                             Maybe this is more info than you wanted, but now you know the secret!

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