Friday, March 12, 2010

Vacation Anxiety on the High Seas?

Why am I so anxious on going on a seven day Southern Caribbean cruise with my wonderful family, Dan, Sam, Joe, and Tim?  We have planned this for six months and now that we are leaving on March 14, I am a bundle of tension and fear.  We will be leaving out of Fort Lauderdale, FL and traveling to San Juan, Tortola, St. Martens, and a few other places.  We have an accessible room with a balcony, a roll-in shower, raised toilet, and raised bed.  We are renting a Hoyer lift and shower commode chair.  And still I am anxious!!!

I am anxious because:
I hate all the transfers involved with airtravel - from wheelchair to aisle transport chair and then repeated to get off the plane.  Transfers involve two large men hoisting me quickly from chair to chair.  Last October, the last time I flew, my back was hurt by the transfers and I was very nervous.  Now I need to keep a lid on my anxiety.

My wheelchair could be damaged.  My $30,000 Red Rover which I am in 16 hours a day is vital to my independence and comfort.  While we will bring a back-up manual chair, it would  be terribly disappointing to use that, to say the least.

Dan will be the primary caregiver, in an environment where I will need to be lifted out of  the bed, the wheelchair, the shower, the toilet.  Each time we put the sling under me, adjust the straps, test the sling, and raise me up and lower me down we are looking at 15 minutes of activity and work for Dan.  I worry that he will be worn out by care for me on HIS vacation.

Sam, Joe, and Tim want to get me into the water - any water - pool or ocean.  I cannot stand, how will they do this?  Will they understand if I cannot do this?

On the positive side, I know I will love spending time with my family, eating good food, being in a warm environment, seeing new places, playing games with everyone, and sharing a few drinks.  We will take many pictures, which I hope to post, and make happy memories and count our blessings.  Bon Voyage!

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