Friday, November 13, 2009

Being a guest lecturer at Harvard Med School

My doc, Merit Cudowitz, was giving a lecture on ALS to second year medical students in neurology and invited me to share the podium with her. There were about 60 students in the lecture hall, and Dr. Cudowitz asked questions and I answered.

It seemed important to give the future docs a human face on a disease. I told them how I got the diagnosis, how my legs had
deteriorated from cane to walker to scooter to wheelchair. They responded with thoughtful questions - did I feel a burden to my husband (yes, sometimes), how do my kids feel about this (we need to talk more), are you anxious about dying young ( yes, a little, but I still try to get the most out of each day), was the diagnosis a surprise (totally!), do you think stem cells will save you ( not me, but the next generation of ALS folks). I am glad I was invited to share my ALS experiences, and proud that I drove into deep Boston by myself!

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