Sunday, September 13, 2009

The first week of classes!!

The first week of classes was wonderful - it was a joy to be with my students - one section of a class on autism for 25 students and two sections of a senior year course on special education assessment and teaching methods with 13 students in each, plus one independent study.
The driving, the parking, the restrooms, all my worries and all went well! Sometimes that really does happen. Here is a piece written about me returning to teaching from the Providence Journal.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The challenge of the MDA telethon

Most of the research for ALS is funded by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. They are the producers of the infamous Labor Day telethon, in which, Jerry Lewis, begs for money for his poor children who cannot walk, cannot go to Labor Day parties, cannot - cannot - cannot. I have disliked this group, MDA, for many years. I hate the PITY!!!

Now I am on the other side, I am a recipient of the MDA funded research that Mass General Hospital undertakes to study ALS. My doc says in two years or less they may be able to stop the progression of the disease - not get you walking again, but keep you living and breathing!

So Dan and I agreed to be filmed in our home, talking about the changes ALS has made in our lives, and here is the link.
Watch the link here and then you can avoid the telethon.